
Co-Creation – we are perfect partners for your projects!

With our continuous production of video tutorials, digital learning tools and content material we can help you meet all your day-to-day challenges. For over 20 years now we are firm believers in the value of „co-creation“ and that good solutions are the result of a positive exchange between us and our competent partners and clients. Our key asset: we are well versed with all the challenges faced by today´s Human Resource Management.

We have the roleplayers and the know-how for the production of videos in the People and Organisation sector!

observer training: for our clients we create videos showcasing the communication scenarios agreed upon, designed to illustrate and train observers in interviewing procedures and assessment centers.

user generated content: why not let your own employees create learning videos? Thereby an application needs only be explained once – properly recorded and uploaded to your company’s own learning platform your team is quickly brought up to the latest state of affairs. You can’t get more efficient in creating content. We’ll provide you with the necessary advice on how best to prepare the targeted input and offer technical support for the recording as well as the editing. We also bring in our role players as “stand-in” actors if people cannot be drawn before the camera themselves.

Creating videos and digital learning support!

We are experienced producers with a continuous output of video tutorials and digital learning content. As partners with a similar professional expertise you can trust us with the collaborative implementation of your specific questions in the field of human resources. The accessability of both the know-how and the roleplayers offers you a range of opportunities. Let us be co-creative!


Opportunities for Trainers

By collaborating with the business.rollenspiel.agentur, you as trainers have the opportunity to develop interesting additions to your seminar formats. The availability of qualified role players enables you as trainers to
  • allow your participants to practice the trained problem-solving skills in a concrete example, thereby ensuring transfer.
  • provide an alternative to participants who are critical of theoretical considerations: playing through, discussing, and optimizing work behavior in everyday life based on the simulation of actual tasks.
  • develop solution variants in critical communication situations with challenging interlocutors with the group and play them through until good solutions have been worked out.
We are delighted with our creative clients who have already found various applications: From digitally connected telephone customers in sales seminars to difficult project employees in case study scenarios or to the detailed preparation of real upcoming negotiations - with us, many things are possible.

Opportunities for HR Developers and Executives

We repeatedly develop seminar formats with and for our clients, utilizing the skills of experienced role players from the pool. These trainings are created in collaboration with the trainer, coach, and consultant Dipl.-Psych. Bernd Schiffmann. So far, the following trainings have been developed in this way:Sales qualifications with "real" customer contact
  • Sales training for the distribution of specific new products and services in the energy market for sales teams in municipal energy suppliers, including the development of new active approaches
  • Sales training in telephone sales with telephone role plays for each participant to try out the approaches
Training negotiations with "real" challengers!
  • Negotiation seminars for sales and purchasing with the simulation of a specifically upcoming negotiation process
  • Depiction of an upcoming specific negotiation situation with two negotiation teams
Concrete and individual solutions in conflicts
  • Communication seminars with the depiction of internal communication requirements and direct feedback on the impact and the subsequent dynamics (conflicts, presence, assertiveness)
Material for your Learning Management System
  • Informational videos on newly introduced products/services
  • Training videos on sales approaches
Leadership in practice – playing through leadership situations
  • Seminar with a "leadership course" and going through various motivation, goal-setting, feedback, and delegation discussions.