
„We employ a professional role-player in our seminar to provide our customers with a particularly fast diagnosis of conflict behaviour as well as an immediate successful learning experience in the field of conflict management.“

Stefan Cassel/ thyssenkrupp AG, Head of University Relations & Programs, Sourcing & Recruiting

„In Mr Tischner, we had a very well-prepared role-player during our last sales qualification. He knew our products, the market as well as characteristic customer objections and challenged our team. Successful sales approaches for our new products were developed and immediately tried.“

Martin Müsse/ Stadtwerke Unna, Senior Head of Sales Department

„For years, we have been employing professional role-players of the in our assessment centres. We value the flexible arrangement of appointments, the high quality of the role-play itself and the easy and efficient collaboration.“

Alexander Mangel, Stadtwerke Bielefeld, Head of HR Development

„It is great how Mr Kraft consistently succeeds in revealing those strengths in a role-play that are most important to me as an observer.“

Michael Voß/ Stadtwerke Hamm GmbH, Head of HR Development and Training

„Whenever I employ role-players from the agency in training situations, my seminar participants surprisingly never voice any reservations about role-playing. On the contrary, the participants tend to stress this part in their feedback in particular as having been most helpful to them. They are thankful for the new experience as well as the acquired knowledge and skills in dealing with difficult conversations.“

Ruth Lause, Free-Lance Trainer and Consecutive Coach

„We have been working with the’s pool of professional role players for years now. We especially value the high levels of reliability and professionalism when it comes to the role-players’ availability and the communication with the agency, as well as our close cooperation and partnership.“

Gloria Bochanski, Gothaer Allgemeine Versicherung AG, Team Leader Recruiting for the Self-Employed Sales Force

„Im Rahmen der Auswahl Assessment Center für Führungskräfte arbeitet die FRIMO Group GmbH erfolgreich mit der business.rollenspiel.agentur zusammen. Jedes Mal konnten wir von der fachlichen Expertise der Rollenspieler/innen profitieren - eine professionelle Zusammenarbeit, die wir gerne weiterempfehlen.“

Sarah Völlmecke/ FRIMO Group GmbH