Advanced Training

2022 Trainerfortbildung bei der business.rollenspiel.agentur
2022 Ausbildung Assessment-Center Expert*innen und AC-Support

Role-Play Training for Assessment Centres

The has been training role-players for assessment centres for more than ten years. Also, our clients profit from our unique expertise when taking part in our role-play training for assessment centres. We are familiar with our clients’ specific demands on professional role-players and over the years, we have developed various instruments and methods for the preparation, management and standardisation of role-plays, which we use in the initial and further training of our team.

Achtung Versuch We teach active as well as potential role-players the necessary knowledge, methods and experience for a role-play to be authentic and realistic. Not only are the attendees of our training equipped with basic tools, for instance for the analysis and writing of role-plays, but they additionally learn to assess their own conflict behaviour as well as negotiation skills in a precise way. Through extensive feedback from the trainers and the agency, the trainees optimize their management skills and expand their opportunities to influence by application of our role-playing technique.

By the way, the participants of our trainings usually develop a significantly increased assertiveness and ease in face-to-face interactions that is recognizable beyond the role-playing context.

Next dates: 03. October 2024 – 04. October 2024 in Bielefeld.

Course for Trainers

We offer modules to train trainers and HR development managers who want to employ role-playing in their seminars.
  1. 1. How to successfully employ role-playing techniques in seminars (2 days)
    • Developing own role-plays modelled on the everyday business of the (internal) customer
    • Applying and ‘promoting’, customizing role-play variations
    • Analysing and evaluating role-plays
    • Giving and emphasizing helpful input in role-play situations
    • Securing knowledge transfer
  2. How to write AC-scenarios and role-plays (1 day)
    • Surveying possible demanding situations
    • Creating an outline of requirements and conflict
    • Writing roles (Basic rules, guideline)
    • Revising and optimizing role-plays

Training Modules for Assessment Centre Experts

  1. AC-Organisation (1 Tag)
    • The basic basic concept of your Assessment-Center
    • Design: time schedules, operating plans, allocation ogf personnel, preparation of feedback
    • Organisation: Task-Plan for AC-assistance
    • Preparation: education of observers
  2. The diagnostic role-play in assessment centres and interviews (1 day)
    • Criteria for observing role-plays
    • Observation and Evaluation
    • Creating adaptable role-playing scenarios
    • Decision Making
  3. How to be an observer in assessment centres (1 day)
    • Basic methodology
    • Observation and evaluation illustrated by typical exercises
    • Analysis and optimization of the observation
    • Coordinating standards for requirements
  4. How to moderate assessment centres (1 day)
    • Basics, observations, evaluations, role of the moderator
    • Organization and moderation
    • Preparing the conference
    • Inducing decisions
    • Giving feedback
  5. How to write a conclusive report (1 day)
    • Basics, rules
    • Evaluation of observations
    • Quality criteria and requirements to ensure the report’s acceptance
    • Writing an example report